

今天想跟大家分享我是如何 申請/辦理 荷蘭(方提斯大學)留學簽證以及有什麼特別需要注意的事情,如果你有興趣就繼續看下去吧~



  • 411遊留學計畫』,主打讓學生們在大學四年至少可以留學一次遊學一次。同時靜宜大學也是國際交換學生計畫組織(ISEP)在台唯二的會員學校,全球總共有300多所會員學校、400多所姐妹校可以選擇
  • 寰宇管理學士學位學程』,也就是我就讀的科系!在大學四年之內必須要出國研修一年才可以拿到畢業證書








托福IBT 61以上 ITP 500以上 雅思6.0以上(每科不得低於5.5)







ð  Mobility填寫個人基本資料 課程以及是否住宿

²  課程選好需要印出來給系主任簽名以及自己簽名後上傳

²  我選擇ELEC課程的是(2ETCS可以抵台灣1學分)

Beginners English-speaking skills(15ETCS)


PR Social Media(2ETCS)

International Events Management(6ETCS)

²  住宿有分DelosCarpe diem woonwenz (這裡不確定還有沒有零散的宿舍)

而我是住在Delos!非常方便樓下就有2個大超市(AHJan Linders) 1個藥妝店、土耳其餐聽(重點老闆很帥!!!



ð  方提斯會寄一份匯款資訊for visa applicationresidence permit大約171

  但是會有額外的費用 (手續費100、郵電費1500) 選擇全額到帳!當初在玉山銀行辦理總共花了7653台幣但是男朋友在中國信託辦總共8070台幣


ð  方提斯會創立一個visa care +的帳戶(自行更改密碼)

²  需要提供無犯罪證明、財力證明、匯款證明(171歐元)、財力支持者的一份手寫文件

²  財力證明上面要避免有Deposit的字出現!要麻煩銀行手動改成this is freely available或是 current account然後蓋上銀行印章!(因為一開始沒有請銀行改結果被學校退回來)

²  財力支持者的文件需要提供一些個人基本資料以及每個月會提供多少錢你(填寫900/月以上不然會被退回來!)



ð  Visa care 會寄一份保險單以及你的v-number

²  我是7/1填好visa care要求上傳的所有資料,7/14收到一份insurance以及我的v-number(原本官方是說需要二至三周會收到)

²  收到v-number後就可以到荷蘭在台辦事處預約拉(撒花撒花







Ø  申請個人資料分成三大步驟

1.      法院或民間公證人(公證)

ü  英文戶籍謄本*(要記得把父母英文護照名字記好






ü  英文出生證明(要記得把父母英文護照名字記好


ü  英文單身證明(公證處會幫你印好



l  以上3種文件都是我在查好網路資料後聽從大家的指示去申請的,但是就在我參加『台灣荷蘭教育推廣協會』辦的說明會之後,我深深覺得我白白浪費一筆錢了


ü  台灣的戶籍謄本就可以代替出生證明以及單身證明

去醫院申請需要一筆錢,拿去給律師蓋章又要一筆錢,外 交部跟荷蘭辦事處蓋章也都需要一筆錢 這年頭前不好賺千萬不要花冤枉錢啊各位朋友們(好險我只有花到去醫院申請這筆錢哈哈



2.      外交部驗證(驗證)



Example: 需要驗證三份文件就要給他四份



3.      荷蘭在台辦事處(MVV

7/14收到visa care寄給我的v-number後隔兩天要預約荷蘭在台辦事處就已經剩下8/23以後了,但是我的飛機票已經提早買8/16!所以當下馬上寫信到NTIO詢問並安排到8/6早上11點並且寄email給你













那有任何疑問歡迎留言給我~ 我會盡力回答的!







Hello! I am Ann

I would like to share the process and how I applied for school and visa for the Netherlands (Fontys) and things to look out for!



Providence University has two special places which are

  • “411 Exchange Program”, which allows students in their four years of university, have one year to study abroad, and one year to attend an exchange program. Providence University also has a great exchange program, ISEP. There are only two universities in Taiwan which has the program, with over 300 schools as ISEP members, and with over 400 universities as sister schools.
  • Providence University BIBA (Bachelor of International Business Administration) is the major that I am studying. In the four years of university, there must be at least one year of studying abroad in order to graduate.


So, in the culmination of the two points stated as above, I decided to go to Fontys University in the Netherlands (Campus Venlo) for my exchange. Below, I will be showing what things I used for applying, the visa application procedure, and also the English standard test that I used for applying. 


First of all, the easiest thing to think of is when you want to go abroad. The Fall semester, or the Spring semester, namely in August and September, and February and March respectively.


The time for applications in school is one semester previous to the one that you want to go abroad.

Ex. If I wanted to go abroad in Senior year, which would be the Fall of this year, I would need to start applying in junior year in the Spring semester.

Application requirements are different for each school, but there are some which are the same.


In school GPA must be GPA 2.75 or above

TOEFL IBT of 61 or above/ ITP 500 or above/ IELTS 6.0 or above (Each subject must not be lower than 5.5)


My GPA was saved with my scores from sophomore year and junior year, because my grades in freshman year was a little messy, and gave me a mediocre 2.95, which still allowed me to get into the first round of applications


I was very lucky to get an ITP score of 500, which was just shy of not passing, thank god. 


Applicants in February will receive the news if they were accepted around March, and notify you on which school you were successfully chosen to go to, since you had a list of three schools that you wanted to apply to.


After being officially accepted into the university, you will also receive a congratulations email from the university, and also begin to receive emails which begin the process of applying to the university, which involves a lot of time and information.


Mobility Online was the first one that I received, where I had to put in basic information, the learning agreement (Choosing classes), if I needed help with student housing, a motivation letter, and proof of language proficiency.



  • After the learning agreement is chosen, you must print it out, and give it to the Director of your major to sign, and re-upload the file.
  • I chose the ELEC program, and 2 ETCS credits translate to 1 credit in Taiwan.

Beginners English-speaking skills(15ETCS)


PR Social Media(2ETCS)

International Events Management(6ETCS)

  • The different housing options were Delos, Carpe Diem, Woonwenz, and some other scattered housing.

I was lucky enough to get picked into Delos, which is very convenient, with two large supermarkets just right downstairs, Albert Heijn (AH), and Jan Linders (JL) one pharmaceutical store, and one Turkish restaurant on the corner.


An important part of applying for housing was when I asked to be put together with my boyfriend in Delos, and we were lucky enough to have our voices heard. In the end, the school put us together with another couple from Bulgaria! The apartment has four different rooms with different prices, and the only places that are shared are the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, washing machine, and dryer.


Fontys will send an email for a wire transfer request, for the visa application and residence permit in the Netherlands, which is approximately 171 euros, but keep in mind, it doesn’t account for the handling fee, and also the transfer fee, which is about 100 and 1500 NTD respectively. I did the wire transfer at E. Sun bank, which cost me a total of 7653 NTD, but my boyfriend did it at Chinatrust commercial bank, which cost him a total of 8070 NTD.





Next up, Fontys will create a Visacare account for you, and you must change the password after you login for the first time. 


  • You will need, an Antecedent Certificate, a Financial Statement, Wire transfer receipt (For the insurance), and a signed document of your financer.
  • On the Financial Statement, there should not be the word DEPOSIT. You have to specifically ask the bank not to have the word on the document, or to replace it with “this is freely available” or “current account”, and have the bank stamp the papers. If not, the school will reject the document.
  • For the financer papers, some personal information is needed and the monthly allowance written must be at least 900 euros per month, or it will also be rejected by the school.

When all this is finished, Visacare will mail your insurance proof and V-number to you.

  • I finished the Visacare application on 7/1, and on 7/14 received the email. (Things usually take two to three weeks to finish in the Netherlands)
  •  After receiving the V-number you can go make a reservation to go to NTIO (Netherlands Trade and Investment Office)

If your V-number arrived late, and the reservation times are already past your flight tickets, you can email NTIO to arrange a time before your flight.








Documents that you will need for a MVV (Residence Permit in the Netherlands)

  • Notarization from a courtroom, or a public notary
  • English translation of a household registration

The first versions of these documents will be in Chinese, but you can ask them to translate them to English.


This is very important, because as you know, Dutch people cannot read Chinese.

  • English birth certificate. (You will need the passport names of your parents for this)

Before applying for this, you can make a phone call to the hospital that you were born in to ask if it is possible to aquire.

  • English single status certificate (The public notary can print this for you)


These three documents are what most people online said to apply for, but after going to a lecture from the Taiwan Dutch Education Promotion Association, I feel as if I wasted quite a bit of money.


Because! The Household Registration in Taiwan can also be used as your birth certificate, and also your Single Status certificate.


Next up! Ministry of Foreign Affairs


You need to take the documents above, to get them validated at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

You must bring the notarized documents and your ID, Passport, and stamp. This process usually takes 2-3 working days. Also remember that you will need one extra just in case.

Ex. You need three documents verified, so ask for four.







3. Going to NTIO for the MVV

I received the Visacare email on 7/14, which gave me the V-number that I needed. I went to make an appointment, but found out the earliest they could do was 8/23, but I had already purchased my flight tickets for 8/16! So I immediately wrote an email to NTIO, and had a special appointment for 8/6 at 11 in the morning. Then they sent an email for a MVV Application form, and regulations for headshots.


I arrived at 10:50 on 8/6 at NTIO, where on the ground floor, you would need to go to a reception kind of machine, make a call to the floor that you needed to go to, and receive a guest card.


After going upstairs, give the nice lady your documents and say you need them to be verified, your passport, money, and photos/headshots, and she will give you a paper to write your address, fill it in, and then record your fingerprints, then you are done!



    旅遊 留學

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